Friday, August 15, 2014

Weird Ice Cream Flavors

When you think about where the weirdest selections of food may be, do you say "Japan"? Well, many of us think the Japanese will eat anything. They keep trying to prove it. Why they could even make ice cream weird. In fact, they do. I just read about some of the weird ice cream flavors world-wide and right at the top of the list of strange flavors are some that are found in Japan. I'll tell you about a few and hope you won't think about them when you eat the more normal flavors, we alleged normal people like,  for example, the world's most popular ice cream flavor- Vanilla.

'Cream City', an ice cream store inside an indoor amusement park in Tokyo, has what may be the strangest ice cream flavor of all. It's Raw Horse Flesh ice cream. And I thought the French were weird for eating horse meat for dinner. I suppose you have to eat the Raw Horse Flesh cone to describe, much less appreciate, it. I doubt there is a comparable flavor. I won't sample it, nor will I eat some of the other flavors at Cream City. Cow Tongue, Salt, Yakisoba, Octopus and Squid are also flavors available there. Scratch Japan off my list of nations to visit.  If you want a more a mainstream ice cream in Japan you can also find Mamushi Snake ice cream in plenty of shops in Tokyo.  Mamushi is one of the most venomous snakes in Japan and it's actually one of the ingredients in that flavor of ice cream.  Foreigners who try it report it tastes like garlic, a bit of almond and that snake thing.

If Japan is weird in its food tastes, France is weird in most ways it must be weird in its ice cream flavors.  Avocado ice cream is a big hit in 'Fernandos', in Nice.  I wonder why the Mexicans didn't invent that flavor. They seem to put avocados in everything they cook. I hate the taste of Avocados, so you can have my Avocado cone. Those French are a bit more predictable than the Japanese though. You could probably guess that the French would be the ones to invent Foie Gras ice cream. Ice cream seller Philippe Faur  combines fatty foie gras and  ice cream.  That duck liver ice cream was invented by Faur, who says the dessert took four months to "perfect". I wonder if the taste tasters survived the initial batches when they tasted them.

Ok, I'll quit picking on the Japanese and French ice cream eaters. There is plenty of odd flavored ice cream everywhere. How about Whiskey Prune ice cream? Go to Australia for a scoop of whiskey prune. This "secret Irish recipe" mixes mascarpone ice cream with whiskey soaked prunes, then swirls in a whiskey ripple to really get that boozy flavor. In the U.S. a guy named Crazy Charlie Francis sells Jelly fish ice cream at  his 'Lick Me I'm Delicious' store. And Roasted Garlic ice cream has also become a more seen flavor in U.S. gourmet ice cream stores. In Ireland at Murphy's ice cream shop they sell a Gin ice cream. This certainly verifies the rumors that the Irish drink too much alcohol. In England the the fish and chips ice cream from Teare Woods Luxury Ice Cream Parlor is a hit. It's a scoop of minty mushy peas flavor and a scoop of fish flavor, topped with bits of battered cod and served with a french fry. I feel nauseated.

But wait! my own personal least favorite ice cream flavor has to be one of the most popular ones in Asia. It's Durian ice cream and I once tasted it. Yuk! My stomach and nose are wavering just typing the words. Someone bring me a vanilla cone............quickly........

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