Monday, August 11, 2014

New Kind Of Illegal Entrance Into The United States

The United States is one of the few nations world-wide to not have a serious immigration program. That's why millions of people walk into the U.S. or overstay their visas to enter every year. We have become the dumping ground for some of the poorest and worst educated people who move from one country to another. The result is upwards of 50 million unskilled people who illegally enter the U.S stay here permanently, and often live off government welfare programs rather than working and paying taxes in the communities where they settle.

The United States Constitution gives the federal government the sole authority to create immigration laws and to enforce them. For about 50 years it has done little to control the illegal immigration, as politicians see that pandering to the large Hispanic voting constituency here is more beneficial to their re election than about caring about the safety and welfare of the American public. And now that President Obama has allowed children illegally brought here to stay in the U.S and to gain legal status (The Dream Act), and because Congress is promising to soon pass legislation that would legalize the status of the 15 million or so illegal immigrants already here, a new illegal invasion has been created.

This time it is a massive border crossing into the United States by children. According to Customs and Border Protection, in the past eight months, agents have apprehended about 47,000 unaccompanied minors who crossed the border into the U.S. illegally from Mexico. It estimates that apprehensions of minors this year may reach 90,000. Almost three fourths of the children apprehended are from Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador. Gang violence in El Salvador and in urban areas of Guatemala has escalated dramatically in recent months since a weak truce among rival gangs has broken down.

So in addition to coming here because of a belief that President Obama will let them stay and will legalize their status, a lot of the invasion is fear for the kids lives. Parents send their kids across as a form of safety net, with plans to follow themselves later. The U.S. government's approach to the kid crossings  is to process each minor within 72 hours, either to be turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation proceedings or to the Health and Human Services Department to be reunited with family members or placed in foster homes pending deportation proceedings. Most are given asylum and allowed to stay with relatives or parents already in the U.S. The Obama administration is giving the kids bus tickets to wherever they intended to go, and telling them that they can have "asylum". It is a disgrace t the people who legally live in this country.

The countries from which the kids come have no interest in stopping their flight, for they see it as a deportation of  potential problems. And since the U.S. government has virtually no interest in stopping illegal immigration, more and more children will pour in to this country. It is sad for everyone. Until illegal immigration stops being profitable, it will continue here in massive, unsustainable numbers.

The problem is, the chance that we enforce immigration laws here has become unlikely. This kind of insane inflow of illegals has many beneficiaries aside from the illegal immigrants themselves -  lawmakers slobbering for the votes of those who support this travesty, businesses who can cut costs by hiring cheap unskilled labor the illegals can do, pro illegal organizations who promote the invasion, greedy  Americans who hire illegals rather than legal residents because it is cheaper to do so, churches who are hoping to fill the pews, welfare and assistance programs for illegals that invite their crossing, the lack of will by the federal government to stop illegal crossings, etc.

I think the U.S. that was once a strong and respected nation is long gone. How we deal with illegal immigration only reflects the decline and fall of this country. Any nation that opens its borders to anyone who wants to enter will get a lot of people who are harmful to it.

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