Friday, August 15, 2014

How Much Gay Talk Is Enough?

The gay and lesbian "revolution" is on going in the west and in some other parts of the world.  This seems to be the age of equality in which society says homosexual and heterosexual relationships are the same.  I suppose there will be a great deal of controversy about that, given the factors of religion, tradition etc. So I'll stay out of that controversy.  But there was an interesting survey from the U.S. government the other day about the percent of population that sees itself as homosexual. A total of 2.3% of U.S. adults said they were gay, lesbian or bisexual. Wow! That's lower than I thought.

If one looks at popular culture it would appear that many times more would be in that group. Gayness is everywhere in films, TV, literature, even in advertisements. The 2.3% number is  lower than the 3% to 4% found in some other recent surveys, including a Gallop poll a couple of years ago.  Since surveys are imprecise and people often do not want to disclose the intimate details of their sex lives, and because some men who have sex with other men will not relate to the term "gay" or homosexual, and do not regard sex with other men as sexual activity (They think of the term as only for sexual relations with women), who knows what percent of humans are gay. Estimates from the past have ranged from about 2 percent to 10 percent.

So does the gay issue get more attention than it should? Are gays discriminated against enough to merit all the attention in order to change their status in society, or is the media and throw-away culture obsessed with gay rights? I can't figure it out. I also wonder if anyone knows what the actual percent of homosexuals are out there. As being gay has become trendy in the liberal world, more acceptance of homosexuality has come to the fore. That's a  good thing, since tolerance is a quality that is in rare form among many humans. Still, I wonder if the bombardment about gay marriage and gay rights might not be overkill, that it might have a negative affect on that segment of the population achieving what it and all humans should have- the right to chose whatever sexuality they wish to pursue.

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