Monday, August 11, 2014

Ball Testing

Those Russians are going as crazy as their dictator leader, Vladimir Putin. It's not just Putin's invasion of Ukraine and extortion of other weaker nations around them .Even the Russian courts there are becoming weird. In Russia's criminal justice system, it seems now that size matters. Uh, that would be the size of a person's genitals when he or she is accused of a crime.

It seems that one of those Ukrainians that Russia looks down on and wants to subjugate, a  13 year old named Tomas, is the latest example of a dictatorship gone wild. This incident even makes it seem that North Korea's Lil Kim is the sane dictator in the nations crazy dictator contest.  Tomas moved to Russia last week from Ukraine to Moscow to live with his aunt, and but is accused of stealing a cell phone  His Ukrainian papers say he is 13, which means the would be tried in the much more lenient juvenile court system, but a skeptical court ordered a physical exam that included a look at his private parts. They examined his penis and balls to tell his age! Wow!

I can see the ramifications when a person is arrested. A ball and penis guy, probably with a leering smile, would be sent in the room to handle the p and a and pronounce an age. And I thought those women who read crystal balls could tell things that others couldn't. Anyway, absent any medical reason to examine sexual organs as a measure of age the Russian doctors concluded that Tomas had 16 or 17 year old balls. Uh, no explanation of how this was determined but the distinction matters because the courts can now try Tomas as an adult. And in the tradition of legal abuses in Russia a judge promptly threw Tomas in jail.

The boy's relatives are protesting, saying that he got into the country with Ukraine documents that prove he's not lying, and the case is reportedly under review by the regional prison service. They claim the Russians just want to ridicule a Ukrainian for propaganda purposes, since no Russian in good standing can trust a Ukrainian with over aged  balls...or something. Tomas insists he's innocent of the theft, too, which, if true, would mean that he's in jail for a really, really bad reason..... over aged balls.

Sane people claim that this is just a case of Russia trying to flex its muscles and make an example of the boy amid its conflict with Ukraine.  Or is Russia's legal system really this backward?  I think it is the latter. Either way, things don't look great for Tomas or anyone else arrested in Russia. The ball tests indicates that things are getting more and more weird in the land of Vladimir Putin

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