Monday, August 11, 2014

The End Of Civility

I knew long ago that the age of civility is dead. It's been a gradual death, with society become manner less as its technology takes over the role of the brain for most of us.  It's a shame that people no lng exhibit manners as a desired form of behavior. They not only act like jerks, they seem clue less that they are doing it. Maybe the isolation that technology puts us in has made us forget that there are other human beings on the planet, and that we should behave with their presence noticed.

What is acceptable behavior now was often abhorrent 50 years ago. Our society is so permissive it doesn't mind when someone picks his nose in public or passes gas loudly in church. "Oh well", we say, "the guys with the nose and gas problem are just doing their thing". So we give them a pass and protest not. Each rude, offensive, impolite behavior we allow to go unchallenged makes it that much easy for the next one to be unchallenged, with  that incivility even to be seen by some as "normal" behavior. Sometimes I'll give a disapproving look (anything more risks being shot theses days!) but lately those looks don't seem to be recognized by the offender.

If you think I am imaging the rudeness all about us, here are a few of the uncivil behaviors I observed in public the past few days: People trying to get on an elevator before the passengers get off, a woman wearing pajama pants in public, auto drivers cutting off other drivers to push their way in front, vulgar language spoken so regularly that the offenders use it as standard speech, when walking and bumping to others not acknowledging the bumps, loud chatter on cell phones in public places, music blaring from automobiles, when told of a wrong number phone calling being hung up on by the offender with no apology for the incorrect call,  people with 30 items camped in the super market 10 item or less checkout line, public displays of idiotic adults screaming at children and threatening their well being, name calling  in public, throwing trash in the street or one someone else's private property, loud talk in public places, and on and on. That's just some of what I witness the past two days.

It does matter whether a society's members behave with respect toward each other, because we need to coexist in a civil manner or our existence is lessened. But truth be told, too many of us today are ignorant of the most basic rules of courtesy. I suppose mom and dad are so uncivil themselves they don't pass down the rules anymore. Too, popular culture is vulgar and it reinforces the idea that the world is your own personal space with which you can do whatever you wish. No wonder few act civilly anymore.'s enough to make me want to pass gas here right now.................

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