Friday, September 20, 2013

Longer Live The Beatle

An enthusiastic fan of the late Beatle, John Lennon, has purchased the rock star's decayed tooth  from the son of Lennon's former housekeeper, the rock star's decayed tooth..... for more than $30,000. But wait until you hear why. Uh, Canadian dentist Michael Zuk figures that science has now advanced far enough that Lennon can be cloned and can start writing music again. Most of us probably think that dentist should just "Let it Be". But he says that "We Can Work it Out" with Lennon's DNA if science will only "Help" him in his quest to make Lennon live again. Oh my! "Obla di obla da" goes on.

Zuk thinks that the "science is almost there" and that any research into cloning race horses, mice or mastodons could ultimately be applied to humans. "It's the unknown. These are legitimate questions that are right on the edge of science right now, he said."  I wonder if Zuk sucks too much on that laughing gas in his office, because I think this has only a tooth of a chance to work. Zuk has already sent the Lennon tooth to a lab in the United States to extract Lennon's DNA. I just hope he also doesn't bring back Yoko when she dies!

Aside from that crazy dentist's idea, I wonder about the future days ahead when cloning of  DNA to produce humans will actually be possible. Might future human cloning of the ultra-rich and famous become a rage? I can think of more people that I don't want them to bring back than those that I do. For example, Some jokester is likely to bring back Hitler. Worse!!! Just think how awful it would be to clone those Reality TV stars. I can't take another life for the Kardashians. And with some famous people we can't be sure of they are yet dad. I dare you to prove that the Rolling Stone's Keith Richard's is either dead or alive. That guy is a zombie.

Ok, I am making light of this stupidity. But I am not kidding about that dentist and about what he thinks he can do.  If you doubt my report check his web site dedicated to the John Lennon DNA project.  It can be found at

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