Saturday, February 16, 2013

Whopper Funeral

I read recently that a 88 year old man from Pennsylvania, David S. Kime Jr. of West York, gave the food police the Italian salute. He had a fast food funeral after his recent death. Wow! There is a man I admire. David threw political correctness about diet out the door of his hearse and had the driver pass through an buy Burger King Whoppers for every mourner in each car that followed in the Fast Food Funeral entourage. Take that, broccoli lovers! David even had one if his three daughters place a Burger King Whopper sandwich placed on top of his casket when he was interred.

David and I have the same view of what is "healthy" eating and what is not. His daughter summed it up pretty well at the Whopper funeral. "He always lived by his own rules," she said.. "His version of eating healthy was the lettuce on the Whopper Jr." It seems that David was a borderline diabetic for years and had pacemaker, but he began eating what he wanted after his health conscious wife died 25 years ago (probably from spiritual starvation after eating too many veggies). In my view David truly knew good taste from bad.

Maybe I am even more food heretic than David was because you can have my lettuce if we eat a burger together. I'll keep eating greasy burgers until the day I die. David lived by his own eating rules and was said to eat fast food, junk food and politically incorrect non organic fare whenever he had the chance. What the food police don't understand, David did. That is, humans need top feed their souls as well as their minds, and that one of the ways to do it is to eat what tastes good. Just look at those vegetarians and vegans. They all look both starved, frustrated physically and spiritually. Sigh...It's sad to think of what their taste buds are missing.

So live a little but bolder and eat some junk today. It's probably good for you!

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