Saturday, February 16, 2013

No Mail Delivered On Saturdays

Well, all that new technology I hate so much has made me hate it even any more with the announcement of the U.S. Postal Service (the snail mail guys) will no longer deliver letters, envelopes, and all those bills I love to hate on Saturday, starting August 1st. No more mail for me on Saturday isn't the end of the world, though it is an inconvenience in that it slows delivery of mail delivered during the week. What bothers me is that it is another thing that has worked well, that the technology of the new has or is killing.

It seems that every month or so I read about another of the old reliable less technological being replaced by whatever new gadget replaces it. This end of Saturday mail is probably a portent that all snail mail delivery will disappear and be replaced by electronic delivery. Just as I prefer reading a paper book to reading on line or on an electronic reader, I prefer to open an envelope see the words and have the option of keeping what I have received in a more tangible way. A paper birthday card, for example, has far more meaning than an electronic one in that way, and because it takes more time and effort to send a snail card. I, uh, feel the love more when it comes in an envelope delivered by the post office.

Sad thing about the impending death of snail mail is that is dying even though it still functions very efficiently. The higher cost is the only factor killing snail mail. It cost more to snail mail today as more people use electronic means to send their messages. Hmmmm Our modern world in microcosm, the axiom- if something is more expensive get rid of it for the cheap. But I think some things are worth keeping, even if they cost more and are not as "efficient" as what wants to replace them. E mail is great, but not for everything. I will surely miss the snail mail concept for the things it best serves. Hiding in a cave while my old world ways disappear seems not so implausible now after all.

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