Thursday, February 28, 2013

Aging On Face book

Did you read about the 104-year-old Michigan woman who lies about her age on the social media web site.  No, she doesn't list herself as a swinging 90 year old hottie.  The problem that makes Marguerite Joseph of Michigan not say she is a seasoned 104 year old is that Face book limits the age declaration  on the profile page to 100. Every time Marguerite's granddaughter (Marguerite doesn't see well enough to go on line without help)  inputs her grandmother's birth year as 1908, Face book changes it to 1928. So for the past two years Marguerite has been stuck at age 99.

The story I read about this says that Marguerite
is legally blind and can't hear well, but she reads and responds to all her Face book messages with some help. Hmmm This makes me wonder what a 104 year old would post and read on Face book. I doubt she is posting Justin Beiber videos or growing those farm animals in that crazy farm application. So after consultations with myself I have come up with a few things I think Marguerite might be doing on her Face book page.

-  Flirting with those wild and crazy young guys in the 80 to 90 year old age group.
-  Joining that Depends adult diaper support group
-  Chatting on IM about new fangled technologies like, am radio and 8 track cd decks
-  Posting her provocative support stocking hose photos
-  Bullying punk 90 year olds

May Marguerite live another 104 years or at least out-live Face book.

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