Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Would You Spend Your Last Day On Earth

It looks like we dodged another end of the world prediction with that asteroid passing near us without hitting earth. I think those predictions are about as likely to come true as me winning a 100 dollar lottery...and I don't buy lottery tickets. I keep reading that question that always comes up related to knowing in advance that we and all others would be destroyed, "If today was your last day on earth, how would you spend your time?" It's an interesting question because I think there would be so many different answers to it that the conclusion would be futile to try to reach a consensus. For me, it would be to spend it with my daughter. "What would you do on your last day?"

After you answer that one I have a few more questions about your last day. First, "what would be your last meal?"  I'm not sure what to would be mine but a donut has to be on the menu. And I am not cooking either.  I would want something simple and "homey", food I remember from childhood would be good. Fried chicken comes to mind, and creamy mashed potatoes.

"How would you spend your last night?" There are some who would sink to debauchery seeking sex, booze and a wild spending spree. I think I would prefer to stay in, maybe read and listen to music. Being around others might be too stressful and chaotic for me. But then those who are social might need others every second of their last night. Basically, people would probably do what they usually do on their last night or do something on their bucket list.

"Whom would to call to say good bye, offer an apology or declare your love." Or would you? Some people never do those things and would not be likely to just because they found out the world was ending tomorrow.  As for me, I am not sure. Maybe I am one of those never say people, or perhaps I don't feel I have any unresolved issues to settle. I just don't have an answer for that question.

Well, now that I have you thinking about these end of the world issues I suppose your ready for it to happen....

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