Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bibical Tattoos

The biggest professional American style football game, The Super Bowl, is done for another year. I am not a huge fan of that game because the hype surrounding it becomes so persistent it tends to make me want to run and hide. This year the game was in my former city of New Orleans, the 10th time it has been held there. New Orleans is a great tourist city has some of the best food in the world, is compact and convenient to maneuver, is open 24 hours a day every day with great live music and clubs etc. So because of the venue this year I did watch a little of the game.

What interested me most was not the game it self, but the tattoos of one of the team stars, Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick has tattoos all over his arms, not so unusual in today's world of immediate gratification and glorification. What's odd about the tats is that they are lines from the Bible. He's got biblical verses tattooed on his arms for all to see. Since no one would be able read the small text without grabbing the guy's arm, I wonder if he put those on for his own enlightenment or for others.

Most people who wear tattoos say they want to make a statement to the world or to some individual. But putting lines from scripture on one's arms seem not to meet that parameter. And why would someone think tattooing a religious message would sway others to follow its dictates? When the mediums asked Kaepernick why he has the tattoos he only says that they are to "glorify God"?

I am not sure that tattooing a body glorifies God. Too bad the journalists never asked Kaepernick to explain how that works. I wish him well and defend his right to mutilate his body any way he wishes. Too, I hope he sticks with his Christian beliefs because if he converts to Islam it's going to be hard to explain those verses. But then, Kaepernick's team lost the Super Bowl Game. Apparently either God isn't a football fan or he wants his message delivered other ways.

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