Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bad Ole Days

I know I wax with too much sentiment about the 'good ole days' but I just prefer those times to the culture of today. But there were some things from my childhood that absolutely were not better than today's counterpart. Well, like the time I had eye surgery as a boy and was given the standard anesthesia one got to knock out the patient before surgery, ether. Either made me sick for three days after the operation (for "lazy eye'), and I swear the anesthesia was worse than the operation. But today we have those instant knock out drips that wear of immediately after surgery and leave us feeling better than before we entered the operating room.

Some things from our youth will never make a comeback. Thank Goodness for that! Remember the mullet hair do and the Nehru jacket? If not consider yourself lucky and be grateful that those will never make a comeback. Even in the fashion world some things have only one life. If you know anyone who has a Nehru jacket in his closet you can tell him to throw it out because the idea that "all clothes eventually come back into fashion" is a myth.

How about these things that I think we can agree are better left dead than resurrected.
- phones with cords attached
- black and white TV
- dressing in our "Sunday finest" for church
- drinking castor oil for those who needed a laxative
- those frozen TV dinners
- 8 track tape decks in cars
- window unit air conditioning that always made it either too hot or too cold
- family Sunday dinners that included crazy aunts, uncles and unidentifiable relatives
- struggling around the house 25 kilo vacuum cleaners
- hand me down clothes
- cars that broke down regularly
- driving on every vacation because flying was "only for the rich"
- mass community immunizations for disease like polio

There's more of course, but the reality for me is also that my list of things that I am exposed to today that I would also like to see disappear would be twice as long. So, call me a day dreamer, but I still would much rather go back to live in the 'good ole days' and leave you with your modern world.

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