Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Female Brain

I read about something regarding research on women's brains. I guess they research women's brains since we men seem to show that we have much less brain matter. But anyway, the research on how fast the brain ages was conducted in four different countries, and each study showed that women's brains age faster than men's. The theory for why this happens (no, it isn't what we men think is the reason.....that all those trips to the shopping malls by women make their brains age more quickly) is that the typical lady lives a more stressful and busy life than her male counterpart.

You know.... women do the laundry, potty train the kids and exert too much energy trying to get the TV remote control from our hands when we are watching football. There may be a few more stresses that women deal with more often than men, but you get the idea. The researchers suggested a rather simple exercise for women to help overcome the extra stress they face each day. No, it isn't to divorce the man or kick him out of the house. Instead, it's a breathing exercise. 

The research shows that stressed people breathe in short bursts from their chests.  So the researchers tell women that in order to relieve stress they should "breathe deeply from their abdomen". That's how people breathe when they are relaxed. Uh, you might wonder why we men pass gas in public and then smile afterward. It may be our stress relief exercise.  You have to expel the gas in order to breath deeply, so we do that before farting. Next time a male pig passes gas from behind, you might just give an understanding smile.

But my own informal research tells me that our male brains are younger because of a number of other strategies we use. Women should make note of these and be more understanding toward their man when he practices each of his stress relief strategies. Ideally, a young brained women would also engage in these activities to keep her brain young and active like....uh....mine.(You can laugh now).

Here are an additional five things women should do to stop their brains from aging faster than a mans.
- Avoid buying all those shoes. If we men can get by on a couple of shoes, so can you.  Invest instead in fishing equipment, football gear and unlimited amounts of tools that you will never use to fix things you can't fix.
- When your man shouts out another woman's name during sex, be understanding that he is just practicing role reversal breathing exercises.
- Stop complaining when he fails to take out the garbage or some other chore and do all of the cooking and cleaning and other housework yourself. They are great ways for a young brained women to avoid stress.
- When your man wears the same underwear two days in a row and picks up that spilled food on the floor and eats it, don't fuss at him. He is just making his immune system stronger and becoming less stressed because of it.
- When he flirts with a pretty young girl don't slap him. Recognize it is not an insult to you. It's just a way of his reducing his stress and keeping his brain young.

I hope you will add these techniques to your life and make your brain as young as men you observe every day.

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