Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Political Words And Phrases To Retire

The internet sites are a blaze with year end lists and one I have found that has some variance and is fun is the 'Top Political Phrase's' of 2010 lists. There are several and the duplications aren't as frequent as one might think, probably because in this age of mean spirited political election campaigns, deliberate attempt to obscure or lie by using catchy words, and because most voters have such a limited vocabulary theses days suing deceitful phrases or words like we see on car bumpers seems to work well ion politics.

So in the spirit of the horrid political worlds in which we all live, here are twelve of 2010's most overused, attention getting and perplexing words and phrases used by those politicians (and suck-up-to-them journalists) we so love to hate.

* Refudiate- This is a word Sarah Palin accidentally coined when she confused the real word "repudiate" with her own uneducated version, "refudiate". When caught in her mistake in saying the non word several times in a speech, Sarah said she meant to misuse the word because "English is a living language" and 'Shakespeare liked to coin new words too' Haha I don't think Shakespeare and Sarah are much of an intellectual.

* Anchor baby- These are babies born to illegal immigrants. Because the U.S. Constitution says that anyone born on U.SA. spoil is given automatic U.S. citizenship, during the past 40 years, 40 million illegal immigrants from the border of Mexico and the U.S. have poured in to stay for good, many intending to have a baby so they and their baby can never be deported. The chant for those wanting the illegal immigrant invasion stopped is often, "No more anchor babies".

* Man up- Female candidates for election in the U.S. said this to their male opponents to disarm them. It was a taunt for all sorts of male politicians who were, according to the female a opponent, weren't being forceful enough. One candidate Christine O'Donnell told her opponent, "This is not a bake off, get your man-pants on".

* Obamacare - the negative connotative name opponents of President Obama's health care plan gave to it to brand his with the mostly unpopular and unwanted socialist medical system passed by Congress at Obama's insistence.

* Inherited- Obama's constant explanation of why his policies have failed so consistently since taking office. "I inherited the mess from George Bush".

* Bailout- The term some politicians in congress use for the latest unpaid entitlement they pass for that segment who will most likely thank them for their freebie by voting for them next election.

*Stop playing political games- what politicians say about anyone who oppose them when they are about to lie to the voters. It's a defense by offense tactic that voters don't seem to understand.

* The change we can believe in- Originally this was a mantra by Obama and his supporters to appeal to voters to elect Obama. Now, after two years of failure and ineptitude, the Republicans say it derisively to point out to voters that the changes Obama promised while campaigning aren't at all the same changes they are currently seeing.

* We need more time to debate the bill- The Republican chant applied to anything the Democrats or President Obama wants. It actually means, "Let's delay and delay this Obama measure until we kill the bill completely".

* Non partisan- when Obama wants a terrible bill passed by Congress and needs Republican votes to do it, he calls for "non partisan" cooperation. But the reality is that this means he wants Republicans to agree with and vote for their programs.

*Stimulus Bill- A measure passed by Congress that is supposed to stimulated the economy and end the recession, but only stimulates a lot of politicians' pockets.

* Tea party- a completely disorganized grass roots political movement in opposition to the socialism of modern America and Obamaism that has upset the balance of power in the U.S. government.

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