Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Woman's First Impression

True or false? It takes a woman just three minutes to make up her mind about whether she likes a man or not? According to a study of 3000 women, most women believe 180 seconds is long enough to decide whether or not a man could be Mr. Right, or Mr. Wrong. The instinct thing, I guess. Women do claim to have more instinctual ability than men and to act on instinct for most of their decisions. But three minutes to determine if the woman likes the man or doesn't?

This study also said that only infrequently do women change their impressions of the man that they perceived in that first brief meeting time. First impression becomes last impression in those incidences. Gee, I hope the man doesn't step on the lady's foot or spill his drink on her. According to this survey that would doom him to be perceived as a not right man.

The average female spends the time observing the man's looks, physique and dress style as well as his smell, accent and his eloquence. Women also quickly judge how he interacts with her friends and whether he is successful or ambitious. Of course all of those are subjective qualities that may be perceived differently by each lady. So what is the man to do? Should he douse himself in smelly cologne and hope it's a pleasing odor or buy the trendiest outfit to wear in case there is a first meeting with lady he likes?

Hmmm Most women believe 180 seconds is long enough to judge a male. Haha Then why does it take weeks for her to choose a dress or pair of shoes when in the mall? The study also found women rarely change their mind about a man after their initial reaction and that 88% of the women studied believe they are always right in their assumptions and judgments Then why do women always take back that blouse they purchased at the mall back for a refund?

Maybe this is why we men hear so often from women what lousy choices they make in choosing their boyfriends or husbands. They might do better throwing men into the mall shopping choice category, the logical way women a careful choose what they wish to buy and quickly return what was a "mistake purchase". Oh well, 180 seconds is probably about 175 longer than some men take to judge the woman they first meet. Those men just look, see big boobs and then declare the woman fit and ready for action....

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