Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Activities

I am experiencing the Christmas season in Portland for the first time. This Saturday was the Sanatcon event. I am not a drinker so I was one of the sober Santa's, and in a couple of weeks a lighted boat parade they have here in Portland. It is a tradition in this city for boats to decorate themselves and for the boats to parade together nightly along the Willamette River. There is also some Christmas theater, caroling in Pioneer Square, food events tailored to the holidays like "Christmas tea and cakes", lighting displays etc. Events are offered often at holiday time. Ho Ho Ho.

I find some similarity in the events here and what was in New Orleans. For instance, both places have their zoos decorated with elaborate light displays and the visitor can walk and see them and engage in various events in the park or just drive through in an automobile to see the displays from there. I think New Orleanians decorate their homes with outdoor lights and displays more than here in Portland. Maybe the heavy Italian influence in New Orleans has something to do with it. For better or worse, most cities in the U.S have a homogenized Christmas tradition in that they copy from each other and do much of the same thing.

I may make a Christmas fruitcake soon. Haha Few like fruitcakes. They are slandered terribly, but good fruitcakes are delicious. And there are many different versions. The standard rule is use a little flour and plenty of fruit (mostly dried fruit, but some candied fruit too). I don't like liquor flavor in sweets, so mine is non alcoholic. I grind one full naval orange with skin and all as the basis for the liquid used in the cake. Surprisingly, the orange does not take over the flavor of it. I always make a cheese cake and Christmas cookies this time of the year because it puts me in a holiday mood. I do hope Jane will do the same when she has small children. I have many good memories of Jane, her friends and I baking Christmas goodies. The enthusiasm of kids when they are actively involved in it is wonderful.

Yesterday I put up decorations inside the house. I have way too many decorations in my attic from all the years of Christmas with Jane (small children love to over decorate the house so one tends to collect many decorations), to the point I can't find what I want to use. But I have the house modestly semi decorated now. Haha At least it doesn't look like a Christmas museum. The theme this year is less decor. I am not going to put up lights outside, just a few decorations.

I leave you with a seasonal Ho Ho Ho.

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