Monday, December 20, 2010

Greedy TV Ads

Tis the season to be greedy..fa la la la la la la... Well, at least it is if you watch TV ads selling Christmas gifts. The "gotta have to be a part of Christmas" mentality is raging as fast as Santa's sleigh with pitch after pitch for gifts they say we have to buy or be labeled as Scrooge. In particular, advertisers see children as consumers who can persuade you to buy their products. So they target kids, but the adult targets are just as overt. I saw one TV ad the other day for a diet loss clinic that practically claimed that a husband would cheat on the woman who didn't lose "that ugly fat".

Adults tend to be aware of Christmas ads that target their kids and screen them (though the kiddies out there are no doubt learning a little greed in watching the ads shown during their kid friendly programs). But the problem, is more about adult ads that are designed to make the viewer feel inadequate or cheap if not buying the gift as a present.

The two worst offenders are, for women, jewelry sales and for men, the ultimate male aphrodisiac- the automobile. In one commercial I have seen more than I want, music plays softly as a man hands a lady an expensive diamond and the women reacts beamingly smiling with in an orgasmic (picture me seeing Jennifer Lopez, "oh, God!".

Yep she implores the father of the guy we celebrate the Christmas holiday for as thanks to have that diamond rock. Of course, this implies that any man who does not give diamonds is both cheap and abusive to his lady, but also not in touch with God.There are many other jewelry ads just as over the top, but the most ridiculous avaricious ad is the one that is for we men. In it, we see a rather opulent looking estate and a huge gift box the size guessed expensive new car. The man's lady leads him outside and the gift box somehow pulls away to reveal a new expensive Lexus. (Haha I guess the woman used the guy's bank account to pay for it. What a surprise when he gets the bill for it). the man beams lovingly and kisses the woman in thanks that she must love him because only a person who gives a Lexus could love him.

You get the idea. TV ads are rife with messages that greed, particularly within holiday themed TV shows. Christmas has become generally secular in America and that's ok, but it almost implies we are what we give, and if what we give isn't expensive and garish we just don't have the holiday spirit or love in out hearts. New and silly things are pushed on people at this time of year. Haha Remember the "snuggie"?

I believe that one was first marketed for Christmas. But I suppose most of those greed centered ads are as harmless as a snuggie, since few would be motivated to spend $50,000 on a car or $10,000 on a ring unless they already had that intention (and have the money) before seeing those ads. But if it were up to me, I would see that Santa brought a snuggie and a chia pet to anyone who aired those commercials.

Bah Humbug to them!

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