Thursday, December 16, 2010


Since I have nothing specific to rant about today (must be the spirit of the holiday season that has set in) I thought I would make some random comments about issues of the day, or in some cases non issues that the media wants to make into issues. Here we go..

* Are you also tired of reading about Sarah Palin, Kate Gosselin and every over-exposed reality TV celebrity? I am so bored with the substance and content of news that is reported today that the days of reading economics textbooks in high school seem more interesting than today's news coverage.

* I love the court ruling that the so called Obama care health plan is partially unconstitutional and may be wiped out completely by the courts. Might this be attend here. it would be nice to move away from the dependency level in which the government hands out entitlements to those who don't pay taxes while the taxpayer is charged with being financier of a list of things that a government should never do in a capitalist state.

* I haven't heard the Christmas classic "Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer" one time yet this December. It's sad because grandma probably needs Obama care if she was injured.

* The "Pop Candy 11th annual compilation of the 100 People of the Year" came out and I never heard of half of the ones selected. But strangely, after reading about them, I am glad I haven't. What a cultural sewer we live in today.

* Obama and Congress have teamed for yet another outrageous infringement on personal responsibility as the president has signed into law "The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010". It's $4.5 billion program that provides more free school meals to the pool of non taxpayers (the trend today is to make every law filed with freebies the non payers love, since they outvote those who pay for the garbage in the bills), and gives the government more power to decide what foods can offered in those meals, as well as in school vending machines. Wow! No mommy and daddy government is telling parents what their kids can eat. I guess they feel that parents are too stupid or irresponsible to do that? Sigh..they will probably pass a law next telling me what toilet I can use.

* Who buys that eggnog I see in grocery stores? I can't imagine too many people actually liking the taste. but now they sell other versions of it. I saw Chocolate eggnog, pumpkin eggnog and peppermint eggnog in a grocery store yesterday. They should take the unsold eggnog to the prisons and make the prisoners drink that instead of milk.

* The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, known as A&P to anyone over 40 here, was once the nation's largest grocery chain. It dominated that industry for almost 100 years. But Sunday it filed for bankruptcy protection after years of struggling with debt and rising competition from those low-priced (and less interesting) competitors. This is the equivalent of the death of a president or kind in many minds here because so many of us thought A&P would always be there and was immune from modern shopping trends. I remember my mom and I going to a local A&P and buying the most delicious "Anne Parker" (that was the A&P brand name of it's store produced products) French Apple Pie... for 59 cents! That's two big pies for about a dollar. Sigh , not only is the death of a familiar person hard to accept, so would be the death of A&P.

Ok, that's what was on my mind. And what about yours?

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