Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whose Culture Is This Anyway?

Have you lost interest in contemporary culture? By that I refer to film, music, art etc., not politics and those things that directly affect a person to the extent that being apathetic about it is unwise. Of course, as we age we tend to stay rooted in the past, including the culture in which we grew. We don't want to lose it to the newer cultural identities because it is somewhat theatening to surrender too much of our past identity.

I seem to be less and less informed about the people and events of the current current age. I have no idea who some of the "stars" and events of today are an are about. And when I read the unrecognizable names the author of the story mentions the assumption is that I do or should already know who or she is.

Here are examples of names in pop(ular) culture I read in front page headlines in a major newspaper. Uh...I had not the interest to read beyond the headlines.
* "Bachelor Pad sends three home"- I think that's about a TV show but I am unclear why it is front page news
*"Lambert vs. Finance"- You tell me. Who is this Lambert?
* "Sites Like Groupon hurting Eateries"- I hate when the language is cheapened ("groupon") this way by businesses.
* "Snooky Marries Her Man"- "Snooky"???? I don't want to hear what Snooky will name her child when she becomes a mom.

And those are just some weird names that I am supposed to know about. What about the trivial and crazy events that are published as front page news? My point is that I think it is more than me just being older and losing touch with the mainstream culture. Rather, the mainstream culture is being hijacked by the trial and insignificant, which instead are now portrayed as important.

Maybe it's the technology that causes this, but I do think cultural values should change more slowly in order to have an evaluation period for its members to determine whether the new is good or not. The rapid "here today gone tomorrow" cultural changes today makes the dumbed down and silly less recognized as so. It elevates it.

be valued by the culture something must endure and represent a common worth. Too much of what passes for "the culture" today, seems to me to be more the garbage of the culture elevated to filet mignon status. No wonder I am supposed to know and care about this "Snooky" character. Well, I refuse. They can take my membership in this culture if they want, but they can't bring me down to that level.

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