Thursday, September 16, 2010

French Ban

Sometimes the word needs the French, that bungling, arrogant, snobbish nation that shoots itself in the foot and makes itself hated, just when the world needs a villain to scorn. In the case of the United States and its controversy concerning the proposed Muslim Mosque being built near the site of the the former World Trade buildings destroyed by Muslim terrorists, the French have come to our rescue by insulting Muslims even more than the " to allow them to build the mosque" controversy has.

The French Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil on public streets and other places. The bill was already overwhelmingly passed in July in the French government's lower house, the National Assembly, meaning only French courts can stop France from banning the burka. Many Muslims in France and elsewhere believe the ban is yet another discrimination against Muslim immigrants in France, and risks raising the hate level of Muslims by native french who have already attacked several mosques as targets of hate.

Those French (most natives love the law and hate Islam) who cheer the law to de burka France, say it will preserve the nation's values, including its secular foundations and a notion of fraternity that is contrary to those who hide their faces.'s the old "Our French culture is the best and no others should intrude" attitude.

So it's likely Islamic hate groups will now first target France for terrorism, relieving pressure on other western countries who, ironically, have opened their doors and allowed in Islamic terrorists to practice their hate on the locals who have allowed them to immigrate. The proposed law is obviously unconstitutional in any democracy, yet French courts often forget democracy when French "traditions and culture" are threatened. Too how can such a ban be enforceable.

Stay tuned, given its recent history of bungling, France may yet even alienate Muslims more.

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