Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inflaming The Quran And The Muslims

The anti Muslim/anti Christian "war' is being revved up a little here as a Florida "Christian" Pastor Terry Jones, head of the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida, says he will go on with plans to hold a Sept. 11 burning of the Muslim holy book, The Quaran. Islam is a very oppressive religion, and the Koran is definitely a dangerous book," he said in a newspaper article profile his burning mission. We want to send a clear message to radical Muslims."

Of course the U.S. government and the head of troops in Afghanistan are dead set against the provocation, saying that the plan to burn the Quran in Florida could endanger U.S. troops and the safety of Americans worldwide. No doubt, images of the Quran burning would be used by Islamic extremists to inflame and incite violence among the largely uneducated and unsophisticated flock of Muslims who obey all the Mullahs tell them to do.

Pastor Jones says America should quit apologizing for its actions and bowing to kings and that destroying a Muslim symbol is much less that what Muslims did to Christians in New York on September 11th, 2000. But anger by Muslims about his plans to burn it has already started in Kabul, Afghanistan where nutty Muslims protested the planned burning by....what else...burning an effigy of Jones.

Oh, the depths of stupidity that religious fanatics will sink to. And of course, the protesters shouted the obligatory "Death To America" to show their lack of tolerance and the fact that it isn't hard to brainwash idiots to behave idiotically. When reporters talked to some of the crazy Muslims at the burning they all said that, "Obama and the U.S. government are behind the burning if the Quran".

I guess all of this is proof that one fanatical religion acting stupidly begets another one to act the same way. Maybe they don't understand that people who burn books or effigies are ignorant and hateful. Sadly, the rest of us suffer because of it. But I suspect that in the coming days pastor Jones will change his mind, with a little help from some friends such as the IRS, CIA and FBI who will threaten him with a financial and licensing conflagration that will be far more intense for Jones as any book burning he can orchestrate.

Oh well, at least the atheists and agnostics are loving this whole episode

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