Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Changing Appearances With Phony Lingo

When did the terminology change from Illegal Aliens to Illegal Immigrants? Last year the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (Do journalists really have to group themselves ethnicity to have an identity?) called on news media in the U.S. to stop using the "dehumanizing term illegals" as a noun to refer to undocumented immigrants. I wonder why they think calling a peach an apple will change what it is. maybe because it is working.

It's rare to hear any public figure all an illegal immigrant what he or she is, illegally in this country. "undocumented worker" or "undocumented immigrant" is the politically correct term. But how can someone be undocumented when they never bothered to apply for documentation, walking into the country without permission instead? Further, how can that person be called a "worker" if we don't know the intentions for breaking and entering into the country. Many illegals come here to live off welfare, transport drugs, enrich themselves with entitlements etc. Working is not the only option.

And calling them immigrants is an insult to the term an those who legally apply for and earn an opportunity to immigrate. Illegal aliens are never immigrants. They can't be because they have never applied for permission to enter the country. One can debate whether they should have the right to be here, but the fact is that under the current legal system their being here is not legal. I wish the media would stop pandering to political correctness and start using English correctly.

So for the choice between "illegal alien" and "undocumented immigrant," it seems to me that the former is more reflective of what is actually going on, someone invading a nation without permission. In the case of the latter term, it is an attempt to hide what is actually going on, breaking and entering. If one is writing political advocacy for the illegal immigrant he or she most often deliberately chooses the term Undocumented worker (even though the user risks loses his or her credibility). But if one is trying to be an objective journalist, I "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" is the more objective and correct term.

The fact that politicians and mediums overwhelmingly use the politically correct term indicates both their favoritism for illegality and their continued sinking into a journalistic abyss. How about changing the language with terms that will seem compatible with the idiotic use of "undocumented worker" or "undocumented immigrant". I have a few suggestions I hope the mediums will embrace in their next "objective" articles or broadcast about criminals (the illegal aliens) or criminal behavior.

* a murderer should be- an "undocumented terminator"
* child pornographer- a "juvenile film enabler"
* rapist- a "willing sperm donator"
* arsonist- a "fire technician"
* thief- " a "goods and service relocator"
* forger- a "handwriting specialist"
* traffic speeder- a "hurried auto operator"
* tax cheater- a "financial manager"

Wow! First they solved the illegal immigrant problem by pretending they are something else, and now I have solved most of the crime problem. I must be an "undocumented magician."

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