Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Obama Manipulation

The Obama administration, which has been using smoke and mirrors to deceive and half truths, miss statements and lies to promote its policy from day one, has come up with a way to get the illegal immigrant vote, at least the segment of illegal immigrants that are more educated and would want to vote for Obama and his party if granted legal status.

The Democratic leadership under the promoting and manipulation of the Obama administration which is in total control of the Democratic party now is going to try to slip a back-door amnesty for illegal immigrants, disguised as an education initiative, into the Defense Authorization Act bill that Obama calls the "Dream Act". Dream or nightmare is the question.

The portion concerning illegal immigration that is buried in the defense appropriation bill would allow unauthorized immigrants under the age of 35 to apply for legal permanent resident status on a conditional basis if they came to the United States before they turned 16, have lived in the United States for at least the past five years and have obtained a U.S. high school diploma or GED. They would then be able to move from conditional to permanent status if they complete at least two years of college or military service and maintain "good moral character," which is not precisely defined.

Ahhhhhhh. It's nothing more than giving amnesty for illegal entry and it does in a sneaky way because if the opposition votes against the defense bill, Obama and company will claim they do not support funding for the military (the bill is supposed to be about defense spending, not other unrelated matters like illegal immigration). If they vote for it they will be supporting amnesty for illegal imigrants. No doubt this is a tactic the administarion is using to see if Obama can start legalizing illegals so the newly enfranchised and the huge Hispanic block of voters will support his re election campaign in two years. That is makes a mockery of fairness and legality matters little to Obama and his supporters.

In a speech on the matter Obama remarked that, "It's the right thing to do it," without explanation of why supporting illegal behavior is "right". It amazes me how much the Obama administration parallels the corrupt Bush administration it attacked in winning the last presidential election. They both are wholly dishonest and uninterested in the welfare of the nation. They both see winning elections and ego gratification as the primary purpose of politics. One, the Bush administration, used bold faced lies. The other uses lies disguised as truth, stealthful dishonesty. And enough of the American public has supported each as it leads this country to further degradation and irrelevance.

Kind of sad, from my view

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