Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11th Anniversary

The 9th anniversary of the three plane crashes perpetrated by Islamic fanatics in the name of religion, 911, has come and gone. I am glad to see it pass by. As sad as it was, a deluded group murdered so many and killed themselves for a perverted and hateful cause, nothing more. The event has become such a political issue that I would rather see remembrance of it just disappear altogether. Politicians pandered to the phony "patriotism" mode of Americans and made empty speeches to please the chauvinist mentality that so often votes the into office. Most of the speeches (see Obama's for a prime example) got it as wrong as the Muslim extremists do, but pandering to voters is what politicians do best.

Somewhere after the Munich massacre of Jewish athletes (the Israeli olympic team) in 1976 by Islamic nuts, Islam allowed itself to be infiltrated and hijacked by terrorists and those who desire to kill people of other religions as an anecdote to the modernization they see as estranging their flock from belief in traditional Muslim culture. Those Muslims who didn't and don't like the hijacking of their faith have mostly just watched and let it happen. Just like good Germans who did not resist Nazism in the decade before World War II, good Muslims today are way to passive about their religion being reshaped into negativism and hatred.

I wonder where the "good' Muslims are and if they are either afraid to fight islamic extremism or if they secretly don't mind some of that among their believers. They were absent during the remembrances of 911 except, incredibly, for some to claim they themselves are victims (of non muslim abuse), which I believe is because of the fact that non Muslims have reacted to the Islamic extremists in their place and Muslims feel some shame for not reacting themselves.

I am still looking and hoping for prominent mainstream Muslim leaders to organize an anti hate crusade against the fanatical Muslims who inhabit their own faith and who have created a new Islam that most of the world cringes at and does not understand. A "take back Our faith' campaign would not only send messages to the flock that Allah isn't a blood thirsty killer and to remind members of Islam that they can empower themselves to fight against evil, even when the evil is from within.

The only way to remove the negative image that non Muslims have of Islam is for members of the Islamic churches to attack the problem themselves. But that is unlikely to happen If anyone has been defeated by Muslim extremists, it is the good Muslim who long ago lost his or her religion to a fanaticism that is in some ways a demented, nihilistic and intellectually hollow dogma which is so insecure that it throws a tantrum every time some one offends it.

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