Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Newspapers

The Sunday morning newspaper is one of life's greatest pleasures for me, and always has been. Sunday papers today are what newspapers used to be like long ago- big, filled with everything from the important to the trivial and entertainment that could literally keep a person busy all day if he or she read all of what is in it.

In an age of increasingly smaller newspapers and some disappearing ones, the Sunday paper struggles to maintain its identity. I think it is a cultural icon of sort and hope it never does dissolve into an "on-line" edition as some daily newspapers are and have.

There's something inside of ever Sunday newspaper to suit every person. I like the general expanse of it, that every section is bigger and that some special sections appear, even some special weekly supplement magazines are inside. Some people but the Sunday paper because that is the day it is filled with grocery off coupon supplements. Too, the Sunday paper is filed with advertisements for shoppers.

I don't think those people really read much of the newspaper or have much interest in world affairs. But they are partly responsible for newspapers publishing many more Sunday copies than copies of the paper other days of the week. For that I commend them, despite their apathy toward reading it, At least they provide some profits to the newspaper to keep it operating.

Another group that buys the Sunday paper, but never buys a newspaper other days of the week, is the sports fan. The Sunday sports section is packed and loaded with information even the non reader seek out. It is the "toy section" of the newspaper, and in these times of superficiality newspapers have even expanded the Sunday sports section to appeal to that.

Sunday also has an expanded business section for that interest group. I only glance at that section because it is too technical and dry for me. But it does summarize the investment markets and have quite a bit of local economic news. It's similar to the Sunday travel section or the weekly TV listing enclosure for the week in that only a segment of the readership is interested enough beyond a glance.

One aspect of the Sunday paper I most like is the expanded news coverage in it. Daily papers now often only give a surface view of the news, almost as shallow as TV news. That's because the daily paper (exclusive of the Sunday edition) has such limited pace now and so much of that must be entertainment related or the public won't buy the paper at all. That's a sad aspect of today's newspapers. They are not serious anymore. But this reflects the triviality of the world at large. However, on Sunday.....with the silly is a great deal of serious news reporting and analysis.

There's lots more inside a Sunday newspaper. Instead of me writing about it, you should read one yourself, analyze it and tell me your own impressions.

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