Saturday, January 9, 2010

Twitter For Cars

Hold on to your steering wheel. I think driving is becoming more dangerous by the day. It's not because of eroding driving skills among those with cars. Instead, the bane of driving today is now becoming....what else...too much communication technology in our cars. Ford Motors has just incorporated into new vehicles a twitter application into its next-generation Sync in-car communication system.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh those cell phone chatting, texting addicts now will be able to tweet as they steer their vehicle of death towards us all. The new tweeting app is one of three free applications in cars, the others are online entertainment services Pandora and Stitcher, in what Ford hopes will become a portfolio of cell phone like devices available for "tech-minded" motorists. Now don't you feel safer!

OpenBeak, formerly called TwitterBerry, is the name of Ford's device that makes it easy to use Twitter's from auto mobile devices. Two other annoying and accident inducing car electronic communications now already in those cars are Pandora, an Internet radio service that lets users custom tailor music in song lists that can be paused or skipped through, and Sticher, a personalized radio system in which users can pick radio programs they want to hear, and listen on their own schedules.

Hmmmmmmmmmm I am not sure those drivers with these applications will have the time or awareness need to pay attention to where they are aiming their missile of death.This is all about bringing the Internet to the car, a part of the "in-auto entertainment" system many drivers seek today. They use their cars as much as entertainment centers as for getting from grandma's house to home.

Kind of a sad perversion, I believe. Do those people ever have solitary moments in which they can actually think about something other than being amused? probably not! Most of them are passive recipients of the garbage their electronic devices feed than rather than creating their own stimuli.

The one good aspect of the new auto twitter Ford has come up with is that drivers won't be able to compose tweets (though that will probably come soon). but The system reads them as they stream in, so the driver can not only rot his or her brain with inconsequential mush, but also crash, kill and maim due to the distraction it causes. More junk for the "Gotta know now, love to be stressed out, need to be available 24/7" masses connected to a few and unconnected to the world at large.

I ask one simple question about it all..Why do we need this?

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