Monday, January 18, 2010

Global Warming Entitlements

I have a quote from a black writer of some prominence, Julianne Malveaux. Just read it and I'll comment after"Climate change is more than an environmental issue. It is a human rights and economic justice issue. The rich and powerful nations, particularly the U.S. and members of the European Union dictate the debate at the expense of poorer countries. That needs to change. African Americans have a dog in this fight. We produce less greenhouse gas emissions (about 20% less than other Americans, according to a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation study), but we bear a greater in terms of pollution and climate change."

Here we go again. It's another case of making the phony threat of "climate change" (or "global warming" , as they formerly called it) to obtain favor for a special interest and an indication of why global warming isn't about science as much as it is about power and control. How ridiculous! Skin color and poverty has nothing to do with "climate change" or how it (if it exists art all) is affects any one race or income more than another. Instead, might this be just another set of excuses to be self-righteous, play the victim card as in "I am from a different race than you and you are wealthy, so you owe me money".

Blacks in Africa and the poor elsewhere put out less "carbon", not because they are more "responsible" but because their societies there are poor and less industrialized. To equate their condition to a superiority is ludicrous and shows how the stupidity of global warming is sued to bring on individual or group entitlements. In fact, the poor countries "suffer" more because of their lack of advancement economically. And for that they have only themselves to blame.

As for black Americans :"suffering" more than non black, perhaps it is the behavior of the group itself that accounts for much of that imbalance. If single parenthood (the number one factor accounting for poverty in the U.S.) numbers would drop, so would the poverty. If education levels of the group would rise, so would poverty levels. Those are two of the many real factors of poverty that can be changed by the members of the group themselves, yet are seemingly not addressed often enough by them.

Haha Now we a new politically correct global warming theory..."climate justice" A good translation of "climate justice might be that poorer countries should be able to force, preferably via international treaty, richer countries to give them more "global-warming" money, but with no strings attached, so they can actually spend it any way they chose. It's using a phony theory as an excuse to redistribute wealth and garner more entitlements for the one particular group.

It's enough to make me hot under my collar..

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