Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trouble in Obamanation

There's trouble in Obama land. President Obama, amid huge unpopularity ratings and failed legislative initiatives, told ABC News that he would continue pursuing an "ambitious" (i.e. shoving legislation down the throats of the American people, as in the health care bill, even when voters overwhelmingly dislike it) agenda because, "I'd rather be a really good one term president than a mediocre two term president."

Ha! My question is, "When are you going to start being a good president"?I have seen little evidence of it yet. Though I voted for Obama, and think he is at least better than the awful George Bush, I am disappointed at his performance, his broken promises, and the outright prevarication's his administration uses to promote its agenda. One need only look at his big three campaign promises to see that he has been an ineffective president.

First there was the "I will withdraw all troops from Iraq within one year of my presidency", promise. Not only are we still in Iraq, but in increasing numbers. And the Afghan war is expanding daily. Bush's folly has become Obama's folly. Why presidents shoot themselves in the foot with the "but I can win this war and then go home" mentality is mind boggling. It never works out that way for them.

Next we have the "My administration will be bipartisan", promise. To the contrary, Obama's administration has been 'Bush II' with it's own dirty tricks, half truths, and the "our way or no way" mentality. We now have a congress even more divided along party lines than we had under Bush. When the Democratic leadership in Congress (representing the Obama administration's programs and proposed legislation) bribed congressmen with political goodies for their home districts in exchange for their yes votes on the so called health reform legislation, we hit a new low in Congressional shenanigans. This bribery was planned, formulated and promoted by the Obama administration.

The third great broken promise is that of health care reform. What was promised was lower cost health care for the average person, the cost containment program. But what is offered is expensive, free health care for the poor" and a few who refuse to pay for it, paid for by taxpayers who receive no benefit from it. It's a "give the dead beats or poor free care and they will vote for us" concept. Almost 80% of Americans say they do not want it, yet Obama keeps insisting they do and trying to manipulate its passage in Congress.

Oh, Obama forgot to mention a third option in that interview, that he could be a mediocre or bad one term president. As of now, he is on that very path.

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