Thursday, January 7, 2010

Signs of Carnival Already

The New Year has just begun and Mardi Gras Day isn't until February 17th this year (It's always 46 days before Easter Sunday), but I see signs that carnival season is here. In grocery stores the Mardi Gars King Cakes (Sweet roll-like dough is shaped into a big circle, cooked and brushed with purple, green and gold sugar or icing) started appearing On January 1st even though it begins officially on Jan. 6, which is known as Twelfth Night or Kings' Day. They call it that because it falls 12 days after Christmas on the day the Wise Men are said to have reached Bethlehem.

The Phunny Phorty Phellows also board a lavishly decorated streetcar and began their ride to "Herarld the Arrival of Carnival" down famous St. Charles Ave. Streetcar Line. The Phellows are an historic Mardi Gras organization that first took to the streets 1878 through 1898. They were known for their satirical parades and today's krewe members’ costumes often reflect topical themes. They are not really a parade, but they pretend to be.. and after they ride that streetcar in their crazy costumes, the other 75 or so parade during the New Orleans Mardi Gras season get a sort of sanction to hole their own scheduled parades.

The first Carnival ball of the season is always the Twelfth Night Ball, held on Jan. 6. I never attended a ball, nor would I want to because they are dull events the society crowd puts on to show they really do believe they are royalty and the rest of the common citizens are rabble. Besides, I don't look good in 17th century stockings and tights.

The parades, concerts and other events will all soon be here soon. The high tourist season in New Orleans is in the colder months, the opposite of most cities because during out hot and humid six months it's too uncomfortable to do much outdoors. From October through early April there are an endless array of outdoor festivals and concerts here. But after that it is spartan. I always give thanks that Mardi Gras falls in January, February and March because it wouldn't work in the summer. Who would stand in 95 degree heat and blazing sun to watch a parade? Not I.

So I already have Mardi Gras on my mind. It shows the enthusiasm for the "greatest free show on earth" hasn't waned in me, and probably never will. Now.....what filling should I get in that first king cake I'll buy? Maybe cream cheese will suffice.
Happy Mardi Gras!

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