Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Religious Tolerance Level

Can you tolerate some Can you tolerate some religious intolerance comments? Many people of religious persuasion can't theses days, as religious fervor for one's one belief system has been gradually spiraling back to the days of crusades and holy wars when humans had little science and more than enough "faith' in their religion. I wonder if the dumbing down of humans is reflected in the lack of tolerance among religions today. It is indisputable that tolerance goes hand in hand with education, and in the age of electronic gratification at the lowest level we are losing our traditional educational achievements.

No need to chronicle the intolerance out there the past 10 years or so. It's on all fronts, from all religions, though Islam is clearly the most intolerant and most often carries a persecution complex that manifests itself through intolerant behavior toward the perceived transgressors of Islam. But the interception by Malaysian authorities of thousands of Bibles bound for Christians in the country has produced the latest intolerant slant. Allegedly, to Muslims in Malaysia( 2/3 of the population there is Muslim) the Bibles use the word Allah to describe God, and that's been banned by the government. It says the risk of causing upset to Muslims is too great. Strange perception indeed..I am not sure why the once tolerant Islamic faith, the one centuries which used to allow captured Christians in Europe to practice their faith in whatever way they desired, is now so think skinned, paranoid about being slighted, and almost fervent in dislike of Non Muslim populations. Perhaps it is a reaction defense against the way technology has assaulted the old ways and beliefs in islamic sects.

Today's young Muslim has a much greater opportunity ti escape old Muslim mindsets than previous generations. Since most of the temptations Muslims face today are from western technological and communication advancements and from Christendom, it is not unusual that the west and Christianity has been transformed into an enemy almost equal to the traditional "Jewish threat".

When the treatment of Christians in Muslim majority countries today becomes an issue, Christian majority countries are apt to compare it unfavorably with the equality they give to Muslims. But that equality too has limits. One only look at France to see the Burka banning crusades and the limits on Muslim religious expression to see a backlash against the growing Muslim populations there. I wonder if Christians are practicing a backlash against muslim intolerance that will make the dispute even worse.

The problem in stopping the intolerance among religions today is that for the most part the spokespersons and advocates for Christianity and Islam are the extremists, not the traditional leadership. As Christianity fades in appeal to westerners who have left or are leaving the religion in droves what remains is hardly tolerant toward Islamists. Too, the Islamic sects have long been kidnapped and remade in the image of the menacing terrorists who would love to die "defending Islam".

Apparently no mainstream religious leaders can speak loudly enough to recapture it, given the apathy by the flock to do so.The great irony of religious intolerance is that it almost always does one thing- injures those who practice it as well as those who are victims of it. At least someone benefits from it all....the atheists must be smiling and cheering on the battle.

As I am a lit comments? Many people of religious persuasion can't theses days, as religious fervor for one's one belief system has been gradually spiraling back to the days of crusades and holy wars when humans had little science and more than enough "faith' in their religion. I wonder if the dumbing down of humans is reflected in the lack of tolerance among religions today. It is indisputable that tolerance goes hand in hand with education, and in the age of electronic gratification at the lowest level we are losing our traditional educational achievements.

No need to chronicle the intolerance out there the past 10 years or so. It's on all fronts, from all religions, though Islam is clearly the most intolerant and most often carries a persecution complex that manifests itself through intolerant behavior toward the perceived transgressors of Islam. But the interception by Malaysian authorities of thousands of Bibles bound for Christians in the country has produced the latest intolerant slant. Allegedly, to Muslims in Malaysia (2/3 of the population there is Muslim) the Bibles use the word Allah to describe God, and that's been banned by the government. It says the risk of causing upset to Muslims is too great. Strange perception indeed.

I am not sure why the once tolerant Islamic faith, the one centuries which used to allow captured Christians in Europe to practice their faith in whatever way they desired, is now so think skinned, paranoid about being slighted, and almost fervent in dislike of Non Muslim populations. Perhaps it is a reaction defense against the way technology has assaulted the old ways and beliefs in islamic sects. Today's young Muslim has a much greater opportunity ti escape old Muslim mindsets than previous generations. Since most of the temptations Muslims face today are from western technological and communication advancements and from Christendom, it is not unusual that the west and Christianity has been transformed into an enemy almost equal to the traditional "Jewish threat".

When the treatment of Christians in Muslim majority countries today becomes an issue, Christian majority countries are apt to compare it unfavorably with the equality they give to Muslims. But that equality too has limits. One only look at France to see the Burka banning crusades and the limits on Muslim religious expression to see a backlash against the growing Muslim populations there. I wonder if Christians are practicing a backlash against muslim intolerance that will make the dispute even worse.

The problem in stopping the intolerance among religions today is that for the most part the spokespersons and advocates for Christianity and Islam are the extremists, not the traditional leadership. As Christianity fades in appeal to westerners who have left or are leaving the religion in droves what remains is hardly tolerant toward Islamists. Too, the Islamic sects have long been kidnapped and remade in the image of the menacing terrorists who would love to die "defending Islam". Apparently no mainstream religious leaders can speak loudly enough to recapture it, given the apathy by the flock to do so.

The great irony of religious intolerance is that it almost always does one thing- injures those who practice it as well as those who are victims of it. At least someone benefits from it all....the atheists must be smiling and cheering on the battle

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