Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Liberal University Bubble Grows

Liberalism is killing American Universities these days. The liberal bubble has always found sanctuary on college campuses because by and large the audience, 18 to 20 something, is receptive to the liberal message. That's fine. But what is different today is that the university has become the exclusive bastion of the liberal perspective. Any student who disagrees with the liberal narrative best duck and take cover or do what most do now. Instead, they often must pretend to be on board the liberal train of political correctness, idealism over reality and intolerance.  Faculty are fired if they do not follow PC orthodoxy. Courses are designed not to teach and encourage free thought and to impart knowledge, but rather to fill a liberal gender ethnic studies quota. 

The task of the scholar is to present a case for his or her position based on evidence and logic. Colleges used to be places for that. Liberal and conservative and all other viewpoints were heard and discussed freely and the speaker was demonized personally if disagreed with.. After all, the task of the scholar is to do so in a way that invites everybody into the discussion rather than demonize those who disagree. No more, at least at many of the universities in the United States.

The disturbing trend on the left, especially in universities, the place where free speech should be most present, these days is to squelch competing ideas under the guise of “offense” or the smear of “bigotry". "You can't say that, it offends me", is the frequent cry at universities. "You criticized me and I am minority. You are a bigot,"  is the reverse racism refrain heard in universities today. Someone once said that the answer to controversial or bad speech is more speech. Not at universities. Their solution is to allow only what is politically correct. The nightmare of students being graded lowly because they do not write or speak liberal orthodoxy is a common problem today. We see more and more examples of speakers being ostracized for opinions that their opponents have misrepresented or demonized. Campus speakers often need need apply if not liberal. Otherwise, the college administration says, we might hurt the feelings of out students.

Are our universities more interested in brainwashing the minds of students or in letting their ears hear all views and perspectives? In a society that values freedom, especially freedom to express ideas, the only ones who should truly be pariahs are those who seek to squelch thought and voices that contradict their own. What students should do today is ask why their administration wants to protect them from earnest non liberal opinions that some of the faculty do not share. They should ask their school if protecting them from non liberal ideas and allowing them to decide on their own what is best is why they're getting a college education. If  not to think and speak freely, I suggest that those students are wasting their time attending.

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