Saturday, January 9, 2016

Starbuck's Delivers

Want to know how lazy humans have become, given the proliferation of the computer chip that has made every lazy person's excuse possible?  Now we can have our Star bucks coffee delivered to our homes. After users of a Postmates program that is partnering with Star bucks plug in a delivery address, Postmates takes it from there. A courier heads to the nearest Star bucks, picks up the order, and delivers it to the home. Is that really necessary or beneficial.

I get why those kinds of c companies are doing this.  They see the technological addiction in the populace and are now
turning to technology to increase sales, speed up service and connect with young, tech addicted consumers. So now we order coffee on line and await delivery. And the coffee we get could just as easily brew at home. It seems to me a person buying Star bucks that way may be acting on an addiction rather than a need. How many people do you see each day robotically poking their cell phones to do a task that might be better done with personal contact?

Instead of those greasy pizza delivery boys bringing you that imitation cheese on cardboard, you will get a well manicured, green apron garbed Star bucks delivery boy or girl. If they get to a door with the wrong over-priced beverage, the delivering person can fire up a new replacement order immediately got of those awful cell phones. Star bucks hasn't mentioned tipping the deliverer, but given that Star bucks virtually extorts tips at it's land based stores with tip jars and sneers of derision, expect to pay a sizable tip for being too lazy to brew your own coffee or venture to a coffee store and buy it there.  Star bucks says it will already add $2 to the price of each delivery order.

I think I'll just have tea I brew at home.

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