Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hiring Changes That Mystify

How bad is the world economy?  In Europe , where unemployment is over 20% in Greece and Spain and double digit most other countries, some of the joblessness has to be blamed on the fact that the social welfare states embraced in Europe and many other industrial nations elsewhere kills ambition in population. The mantra is often "Why work when the state will give me what I need"?  The skill change with the technological boom has also left some behind. And the politics of entitlement and "free stuff" wins elections and dominates many western nations.

But back to the original question. How bad is it? One indication is what an airline, Air Europa Express, in Spain is now doing with it's hiring practices. A new low cost Spanish airline has been criticized after charging job candidates $65 for the opportunity to interview for its 250 available pilot and cabin crew positions. Yep! Resumes are no longer all that is needed to interview. Bring cash too. With unemployment at 21% in Spain, I suppose companies there have a big pool of eager applicants. But charging an interview fee seems troubling to me.

Representatives from a pilots union in Spain and from Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), a trade union don't like it.  They criticized Air Europa for its unsavory and possibly illegal hiring procedures. It charges that it is an illegal and “immoral” behavior, saying that any candidates should be evaluated based on their experience and qualifications, not if they are willing to pay money when interviewing. Hmmm What's next? Will companies charge a fee to use their rest room if the applicant has to "go" while waiting to interview? Perhaps companies will charge a communication fee when sending information?

No wonder so many in Europe think not working is a good strategy.

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