Monday, January 4, 2016

Climate Change Games

That so called "climate change" meeting of over the 150 countries who declared that humans are the force that controls climate and that they will direct human activity to make it cooler in the coming years, chugs along pretending to be noble and wise, but instead is looking foolish and deceptive. The goal of that strange climate change meeting, according to the world's biggest believer in global warming, U.S. President Barack Obama, is “an agreement each nation has the confidence that other nations are meeting their commitments.” What I think it actually is though is heated political rhetoric.

Is he kidding or just the fool he often appears to be? There is no reason to believe that agreement will conclude any differently from the last three, with nations reneging on commitments to drive down greenhouse gas emissions and to provide billions of dollars in foreign aid to finance reductions in the developing world. In a sense these climate change feel-good conventions have practiced income redistribution, not climate change. The wealthy nations are extorted trillions of dollars by the poorest in return for promises to not do all those so called evil carbon emission things that global warming nuts believe are killing earth. "Give us your money and we will play the climate change game," the poor countries promise. The wealthy gives them money, they promise to alter behavior, but never do.

The lack of binding commitments for developing nations like China and India is also a big part of what killed consideration of other previous agreements like the The Kyoto Protocol that were designed  to stop the suspect theory of "climate change". Also, the climate change types are pushing "alternative energy alternatives" that more often are not energy efficient or are so costly that they would bankrupt many countries and lead to economic collapse worldwide. Advocates of these ideas appear to be children playing a pretend game to save the world.

For a failed president like Obama, climate change is a great issue to pursue. It's subjective, unproved, and hard to argue against in a politically correct world in which dissenters are called names and even demonized. It's hard to find fault in a president's handling of climate change initiatives, for instance, because there is no definitive answer about the subject. So instead of focusing on things that are real, clear and immediate problems like the Muslim terrorism or economic disaster everywhere, the president touts himself as a brilliant climate change advocate.  In an age in which voters are ignorant, even detached from information or interested in about real problems, the strategy works well for Obama and some other failed world leaders of industrial nations.

It's interesting to see the lack of specifics that came out of the silly Paris climate change conference. The deal is what deceptive governments call a “hybrid agreement.” Under this approach, only measures dealing with emissions reporting would be binding on parties. The rest would constitute “political commitments”. In other words, empty promises that are not legally enforceable. In short, the agreement will contain little in the way of substance for those who do believe humans are climate Gods capable of changing climate. It's mostly liberal fell good, not serious policy and a distraction from real world problems. But the public loves it because they are told they will "save the planet" if they go a long with what the politicians declared at the conference.

That is not, however, how the agreement will be presented to people in those "participating" 150 nations. Obama thinks the agreement will be his “climate legacy” and has sent a number of his minions on a propaganda blitz to indoctrinate the folks that Obama is their savior. How foolish does he think the American people are? Sad to say, he may be right on that point.

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