Saturday, March 28, 2015

Star bucks Should Stick To Selling Coffee

Time for another "Are they crazy with their political correctness" report. What better target can their be than the yuppie haven of caffeine and trendiness, Star bucks.  Star bucks, the company with the outrageously high prices and even higher opinion of itself has come up with a new policy, now rescinded because of public ridicule over it, to "promote racial harmony" by writing on it's coffee cups. Yep! They won't make you mortgage your house for a cup of their coffee without their employees (they call them "partners" because all good politically correct companies are dedicated to obscuring and destroying the language) writing "stop racing" on your coffee cup, all intending to stop you  from being so racist...or something.

It seems the the CEO of Star bucks thinks that we humans are inherently racists and that  if Star bucks could just use black markers write inane slogans on white cups (not so subtle symbolism) we would all join hands and eliminate all the racial animism society has created since the dawn of civilization.  Silly is too weak a word to describe the Star bucks PC behavior, but this is the same company that once claimed we could solve the unemployment problems in the world  having it's barristers write "Create Jobs For USA" on those coffee cups Then there was the 2012 campaign Star bucks undertook in which it wrote "Come Together" on those cups. I'm not sure, but I think we still haven't come together. Maybe they should just lower the price of their over priced product so we could all come together to afford a cup of their coffee.

The most ridiculous part of the 'Race Together' campaign was that it treated real problems of racial bias and prejudice as a marketing gimmick and, insisted that those problems can be eliminated by simply thinking and wishing them away. Too, it magnified the problem of racial tension to a state in which reality does not exist. Star bucks says it wants it's "partners" to discuss race with you as they serve you their over priced drinks.  But the CEO who came up with the race campaign now says, "Never mind".

Howard Shultz says the campaign was "just a catalyst for a broader and long term conversation".  And he now claims it was only supposed to be for a week, in contrast to the intent originally proclaimed when the markers s first started writing political correctness on Star bucks coffee cups.

Sigh... ok, he realized how stupid the whole things was. But I do not wish to discuss politics, sports, stock market and race are anything else of substance when buying my coffee. I particularly don't want to discuss those kinds of things with Star bucks servers, they who have no credentials to counsel me on the subjects. Instead, Star bucks, just say "The weather sure is nice today" or something mundane when you hand me my coffee. I'll appreciate that much more that your crazy beliefs about race relations.  

And how many fist fights between the servers and customers might have resulted when a customer objected to discussing alleged racism or when being accused of being a "racist"? I see gun fire in Star bucks future!  Sigh.... is there is not a  better way to start a morning than to debate race with a coffee server. I see even more PC coming out of this. I am shuddering because I think we shall see other PC companies like Star bucks discover that changing a world with symbolism just  helps sales and is too much to ignore.  Hmmmm, I even have some suggestions for those companies. After downing your racism coffee at Star bucks, why not head to these businesses for their own stupid PC projects.

* Dunkin' Donuts will solve sexism by making doughnuts in the shape of boobs.
* Maybe Chik-fil-a will print Bible verses on their food wrappers to make us all want to join a church.
* If you are gay, head over to Jiffy Lube Oil Change. They have great video to watch while waiting for your oil change. Today's feature is about anal lubrication techniques.
* At Mc Donald's how about a "Cold Mac" sandwich,  an uncooked hamburger on uncooked dough that will save the world from global warming.
*  Manischewitz Kosher Foods is selling a special edition 'Drone Wine'.  With each purchase of a sparkling red Drone Wine the company will contribute 20% of the price to building more drones to use against Islamic terrorists.
* Sony promises that for every TV purchased it will donate 10% of the price to the "Lobotomy Fund For Brain Dead Reality TV Viewers".

Sigh....A place that manipulates language in this way, as Star bucks does, should not be responsible for “starting a conversation” about anything, least of all an issue as fraught, complex and sensitive as race.  Hey, Star bucks!   I'd much rather have my coffee without the PC added to the cup.

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