Saturday, March 7, 2015

Extremely Old

Can you believe it?  A couple in New York  is imitating Methuselah. Duranord Veillard will turn 108 on Saturday while his wife of 82 years, Jeanne, turns 105 in May. And they are still in great condition, given their years.  The couple plan to celebrate their 85th anniversary in their own home a well-wishers at their home, where they live with a daughter.

Both of them have some visual and hearing problems and needs assistance to walk. But they have full mental facilities and Duranord is said to have a great memory, both short and long term. I doubt they will be able go out dancing for their anniversary, so I have a few suggestions for the husband Duranord to give to wife Jeanne. You know how they have those traditional anniversary gifts, as in silver for the 25th anniversary and Pearl for the 30th year together.  Hmmmm The gift chart recommendations run out before a 82nd year anniversary. So maybe  Duranord should just give Jeanne a set of silver plated Depends diapers.  Haha Well, practicality at that age should be appreciated.

Gold is recommended for the 75th anniversary gift.  But what would 105 year old Jeanne do with anything made of gold? Instead, save some money and give her a gold plated board to which could be posted some appropriate reminders that any 105 year old would love. "My name is Jeanne', might be one. Or perhaps a reminder for her hubby, "Don't forget to zip down before using the toilet."

Maybe the two should take a second honeymoon? No, it might be fruitless. Just getting them in and out of the car to the airport might take longer than the time it takes to reach their 83rd anniversary. Anyway, kidding aside, let's hope that Duranord and Jeanne live another 100 years. They give we mortal humans a bit of inspiration and hope for our own future.

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