Saturday, March 28, 2015

Flashing At Home

Here's a news flash for you, about, well, flashing. It seems it's a pretty common thing these days for people to flash neighbors from the comfort and legality of their own home.  That's right. Men and women who want to show their perceived assets can legally disrobe, open the curtains or door, and show it all to anyone in the neighborhood who can't resist a look.  In most communities in the U.S. it is legal to be naked in one's own home, even when the naked person opens those curtains to show it all.

The latest report of this exhibitionism to make national media is of an on-going two year show in which a Charlotte, North Carolina man has gotten a rise out of, and the attention of neighbors, to the point that the neighborhood association there is planning a meeting (clothes are mandatory, I resume) to see what can be done about it. Fact is, they can't do much more than look away when the guy flashes. Lawyers there say "turn your head and look elsewhere"  as long as the Charlotte flash is inside his home while doing it. All their complaints about the effect on kids in the neighborhood (maybe the nation's future flashers?) won't make the sheriff arrest him until he does it outside.

This phenomenon to exhibit one's naked self seems to be equally attractive to both sexes, to the body beautiful and to the not so beautiful body. Maybe it's just a desperate cry for attention, but whatever it is, the cry is being not heard, but seen. There are numerous web sites that show the flashers as they exhibit what they think is their best, and there is even a reality TV show called 'Buying Naked' about a real estate agent trying to find homes for nudists to buy. Some of the sites and video are free and some not (who wants to pay to watch that?). Maybe flashing is the newest trend for people who are bored but just don't want to get dressed to go out.

Perhaps some of the naked flashers do so to anger neighbors they are in dispute with. After all, it's a legal practice, given the flashers are inside their home and no laws exists to require that windows be covered. Then there are the true exhibitionists among the flashers, people who are possessed of a compulsion to show it all.  Eventually their perversion will draw some of those outside for a more exciting flash show, and they will be arrested (can they flash from a jail cell if convicted?). But in the case of the Charlotte flasher it's been two years of the  regular show with no end in sight. I guess it's time for those neighbors to shut their curtains and go on to "bigger things' elsewhere.

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