Sunday, March 15, 2015

At Face book Gender Is Confusing

If you log on to Face book and open an account those profile questions can be tough. It seems that Face book has bought into political correctness to the confusion of us all. There is no more of the ,"Are you male or female" questions there. Instead,  Face book has expanded gender identity from male and female to a list of dozens of options, 58 in all. They include Androgyny, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Neither and Transgender.  People who choose a custom gender can also choose the pronoun they would like to be referred to publicly: he/his, she/her or they/their. Hmmmmm How come there isn't a "whatever"? I am confused.

And if you can't find an identity in one of the 58 Face book says, "Now, if you do not identify with the pre populated list of gender identities, you are able to add your own". Wow! Now  I'm afraid to ask anyone on a date.  Those Face book fellows....gals..or whatever gender they see themselves as won't say how many people choose a gender identity that is not male or female. But researchers say there are many millions of humans who consider themselves transgendered. That is, not a male or female.

But wait! That's not all. Face book users who feel that they do not fit any of the 58 gender identity options offered by the site are now being given a rather big 59th option, "fill in the blank". Yep! A Face book announcement published online tells users that if they do not identify with the list of gender identities offered, they can add their own. I never knew it was so easy to have a sex change.

It's fine by me if a person wants to select an option other than male or female for gender but it does get a bit confusing. It seems the world today is more uncomfortable with conformity than with difference, an indication that humans are nor what they used to be.  That we seek comfort in difference is revealing.  I wonder if it is because we can't adapt, don't want to adapt or just don't know how.

So as not to confuse or insult you in the future,  I suggest that you choose the gender with which you want to be preferred and I will address you that way.

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