Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sochi Olympic Games

What's going on with the upcoming Sochi Olympic Games (Feb. 7-13)? I know I am in the minority when I declare an affection for the Winter Olympic Games (except for that awful figure skating competition in which a large group of diva skaters perform silly ice dancing routines, so subjective that judging them as a competition is a joke). But this winter many more may be watching...not for the games, but the Russian sideshow.

Haha Forget the games competitors. The Olympic committee that selected Sochi as the site should get the most medals, because these games are going to be filled with drama, both absurd and sad. There's the fact that Sochi is a city with a semi tropical climate that has to make snow for it's mountain venues, the announcement from the Russian government that "any competitor or spectator showing homosexual tendencies toward another will be subjected to arrest in accordance with "Russian law", the dismal human rights record of Russia under Vladimir Putin and strong possibility that the terrorist events perpetrated all around Sochi the past few months will happen at the games themselves (forget competition for the "spirit of brotherhood" the terrorists might possibly use Sochi to make a point) already is a event program making the Games a much watch this year.

Not since the summer Olympic Games were held in Berlin during the Adolph Hitler days has there been a more inhospitable place for the Games. For the home folks in Sochi, there have been water and landslide problems. There have also been charges of wide-spread waste, overruns and corruption, with some accusing President Vladimir Putin of pocketing billions in payoffs. But despite all the problems, Putin insists that everything in Sochi is fine. That's "Putin", the former head of the notorious/murderous Soviet KGB. Sure we can trust in Putin.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Forget that speed skating race or bobsled run. It will be more fun to watch Putin dance around the icy slopes of controversy sure to come.

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