Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Few Of My Least Favorite Things

Do you remember Julie Andrews singing 'These are a few of my Favorite Things' in the classic film, 'The Sound of Music'.
'Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things....'

I like these things too, and many of the others Julie wailed about in that song.  But how come no one ever sang a song about their least favorite things?  Haha  Ok, A negative musical might not work, but I got me to thinking about the ordinary things that we come across daily that we least like in life. I do believe they mark our personalities in many ways. That is, you might learn more about a person by asking he or she what things they least like than if you asked them their favorites.

Of all the things I dislike, I dislike my dislike of things, but I like that I dislike that. Uh, did you get that.? Anyway, it's probably healthy to dislike some things for they make what one likes seem so much better. I do have a list of dislikes and fortunately there are no humans on it. It seems I am far more tolerant toward and like humans better than things. I have always cherished people I liked and just ignored the ones that do not appeal.

Having written that as an explanation that there are no people on my list of dislikes, here's some of my heaviest dislikes. I dislike dancing, cruises, sushi, indifference or cruelty to children, recreational drugs and alcohol, phony politics, salmon (and I live in salmon rich Portland), high technology, cell phones and other electronic communication devices, opera, soccer and hockey, arrogance and pretentiousness, abstract art, wearing a suit and tie, jogging,  'healthy' food, feminism, quotas,  crocs, trendy things, TV series made after 1970, hip-hop and rap music, nationalism, circus clowns,  and long lists like this...so I will stop with those as a sampler.

No need to comment on what my lists says about me (unless you're in a nasty mood). Instead what are some of your least favorite things encountered in daily life?

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