Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Resolutions We Need For 2014

The New Year has well begun. I think 2014 might be better than last year for us all. After all 2013 was sort of a non entity year. As I have ranted before, I don't make resolutions for myself. But there are a few people, I think, that should make some resolutions given that I am unable to find any fault with myself and need not make any resolutions for myself. Uhm, that was a joke. Actually, I have so many resolution needs thinking about making a list gives me a headache. But it's fun to judge some of the less than reputable types out there and make some for them.
Here are some suggestions that I have for their resolutions.
* Barack Obama- to tell the truth at least two times in a row...ok, it's probably too much to ask
* North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un- Keep executing all of your family members. Koreans will love you for it.
* Miley Cyrus- just go away......forever
* Justin Bieber- Write your autobiography, "How to be a Punk, Brat with No Talent and Still Become Fabulously Wealthy and Deluded"
* Kim Kardashian and Kanye West- Vow to never have another baby. The world will thank you for it.
* Russian President Putin- To keep his shirt on ot wear a bra.
* American Idol Winner (whomever you are)- Set fire to yourself in protest of all those dumb reality TV shows.
* Celebrity Product Endorsement Hucksters- Actually use the products that you swear we all need.
* Rob Ford- The drugged and crazed Toronto Mayor should be the replacement for the late Chris Farley in that Chippendale dancer skit
* Cell Phone Users Everywhere- turn it off and shut up!
Chris Farley, famous for playing the Chippendale dancer - See more at: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-former-saturday-night-live-fat-guy#sthash.OfJq5pPY.dpuf
Chris Farley, famous for playing the Chippendale dancer - See more at: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-former-saturday-night-live-fat-guy#sthash.OfJq5pPY.dpuf
Feel free to add some of your own ....as long as they aren't about me. Happy 20124

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