Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shocking Or Realistic Mannequin?

The old standby of clothing and apparel retailers, the mannequin, is in the news. American Apparel clothing has a new more "realistic" style of mannequin in a New York store window that is getting second looks from perplexed shoppers. Why? Because those mannequins display nipples and public hair. It's part of a more realistic look that many think is both un necessary for a public shopping experience. American Apparel says it's doing it to show the "rawness and realness of sexuality". Further, they say, "it is intended to start a conversation about society's concept of feminine beauty". (or maybe the aim is to get free publicity for their products that is generated by the display)

Huh? Maybe next they will show the rawness and realness of crapping in a toilet. I don't need to see that either. Putting nipples and public hair on dolls seems a bit over the top and, well, kinky. Perhaps the company feels that kinky will sell more clothes.  I am not sue, but wonder also if the mannequins too real look might just distract the buyer from the clothes on the mannequin and toward the nipples on it. What are they selling, nipples and public hair or clothes.

But then this is the age of shock. Shock them any way you can, as we see in the inane Miley Cyrus, Kardashain mode of behavior. I wonder if nipples and public hair on a plastic clothing doll indicates a cultural decline of sort......sort of like reality Tv and cell phone addiction deadens the brains of the addicts who can't get enough of them. Only sales of American Apparel items advertised by the N and PH window display will tell. Here's hoping the display depresses sales and that Americans reject the mindless shock and awe window display campaign on American Apparel.

Hmmmm I'd like to see them be as explicit with their male models. You know, show the man's love muscle and public hair. I bet they won't want to show the "rawness and realness of sexuality" on the male.

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