Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fitting Protest

Not all French may be as dumb and dull of personality as I thought. There's at least one who is pretty clever and has a creative way to make a point to those politicians we all hate but vote for so much.  This guy, a critic of President Francois Hollande and France's ruling elite, expressed his displeasure by dumping tons of horse manure in front of the national parliament building in Paris in a Graphic protest against French politics.

"Out with Hollande and the entire political class. Long live the Sixth Republic," read a message on the side of the man's poop truck. French President Hollande has been hit by magazine allegations of a love affair with an actress and an erratic and failed tenure as President. As a result he has the lowest popularity ratings of any leader in modern day France.  You might say his regime "stinks"...in more ways than one.

I like this kind of messaging for our politicians and think we could also show our displeasure toward our own bumbling politician in similar ways. After all, the slugs who make up the constituency to elect dishonest incompetents like President Obama will never desert the politician who panders to them with more and more "free stuff". When you can't out vote the slugs wo elect the Obamas of the world why not show displeasure in an unconventional way. I wonder if that French protester will lend me his truck! I think that
bull manure would have be more appropriate for Obama, so he can keep the horse manure.

Well, Obama is not the only worthless politician here. I think our congress should have a load dumped on them too. No doubt the offended members of Congress with have me charged with assault with a "smelly" weapon, or something. Maybe it's a "weapon of mass defecation" (manure is a chemical, I suppose)? And Obama the guy who spies on everyone probably is reading this right now anyway,  and he will warn his fellow crooks in Congress about what is coming.

Sigh....it may be hopeless. They will probably ban manure and we will suffer "holding it in".  Whatever happens, I sure hope the people in this country realize that the real manure is inside the White House. On balance, I better not do it. It would just be  a waste of good manure!

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