Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Not My Fault That I Stomp Them To Death

A 26-year-old Portland pimp has filed a $100 million lawsuit against Nike, claiming the shoe manufacturer is partially responsible for a brutal beating that helped net him a 100 year prison sentence. Sirgiorgiro Clardy claims Nike should have placed a label in his Jordan shoes warning consumers that they could be used as a dangerous weapon. He was wearing a pair when he repeatedly stomped the face of a john who was trying to leave a Portland hotel without paying Clardy's prostitute in June 2012.

Haha Forget gun control, soon people here will have to register their shoes, and people with mental problems will not be allowed to own or possess any shoes. Isn't America wonderful? Haha But is it just one of many examples of the frivolous lawsuits convicts file every day, largely because the courts allow the suits to go to trial instead of throwing them out of court as they should. Inmates pen hundreds of frivolous lawsuits every year because they have nothing but time on their hands to scratch out their nonsense on the back of note paper and lick a stamp. Hmmmm  Let me first say that there is no truth to the rumor that if Clardy wins his case, that Cain  will sue God over not adequately warning him that tree limbs can be used as clubs.
Here's the background of the case that convicted the pimp. Jurors early in 2013 found him guilty of second degree assault for using his Nike Jordans, which he claims are a dangerous weapon, to beat the john's face to a pulp. The man required stitches and plastic surgery on his nose. (The John the pimp beat with his shoe was later charged with soliciting a prostitute and fined and sent to jail for 5 days). The jury also found pimp Clardy guilty of robbing the john and beating the 18-year-old woman he forced to work as his prostitute. She was injured so badly that she bled from her ears.

In his complaint handwritten from the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution in Pendleton, Oregon, Clardy claims that Nike, Chairman Phil Knight and other executives failed to warn consumers that their shoes could be used as a weapon to cause serious injury or death. "Under product liability there is a certain standard of care that is required to be up-held by potentially dangerous product ..." wrote Clardy, who is representing himself. "Do to the fact that these defendants named in this Tort claim failed to warn of risk or to provide an adequate warning or instruction it has caused personal injury in the likes of mental suffering." 
Clardy wrote that he's tried to starve himself and kill himself multiple times, I guess because Nike is so careless about giving shoe info to buyers. Anyway, he is asking the judge to order Nike to affix warning labels to all their "potentially dangerous Nike and Jordan merchandise."  Uh, the pimp may be a little crazy in more ways than one.

During his two-week trial and his two day sentencing hearing, Clardy was known for his unusual courtroom antics. He shouted expletives at the judge, prosecutors and jurors. A psychologist declared him an anti-social psychopath who was 100 percent likely to commit violent crimes again.

So the question is, "Why does our court system would waste time listening to Clardy and other's who mock it with crazy lawsuits?" I am not sure. But the court has  accepted the case and will probably hear it. Kind of a waste of money and time, I think. Of course, the costs of pimp Clardy's suit will be paid for any expenses by the taxpayers since he claims to have no funds to pay himself.  Maybe Nike should sue him instead. And couldn't he instead have just thrown those shoes at a certain president we now have, like that Iraqi guy did to Bush a few years ago.? It's the one noble thing a scum pimp like Clardy could do for we Obama sufferers.

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