Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hungry Theif

Here is an odd crime incident that begs the question, "If you are going to do something that sends you to jail, why not do something that brings a little more benefit'? Police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana have arrested a 29-year-old man after he allegedly walked into a Subway sandwich shop near the Louisiana State University campus with a gun and demanded the employees make him a roast beef sandwich. Yep! He didn't want money, he wanted a Subway sandwich. Maybe his lawyers should plead insanity at his trial, given anyone wanting a Subway sandwich that badly must be nuts.

He actually pulled out a hand gun and demanded a sandwich, but never demanded money. Police officers officers were able to get him to surrender peacefully meaning either those Subway sandwiches have a calming effect or, as I mentioned above, he's a nut. Police were quoted as saying that "the robber might be mentally challenged". No injuries were reported and the hungry thief faces armed robbery charges. And he probably needs some nutrition counseling whether in or out of prison.

What sandwiches would you be willing to risk jail time to get? No way will I go to prison for those English tea sandwiches. But then it might be worth it to spend a day in the slammer for a nice smoked pulled pork or a New Orleans seafood Po Boy sandwich.  Personally, I think anyone who eats a tofu sandwich, stolen or purchased should be sentenced to jail time. Err....maybe not.

People who are in a prison of their own already. Maybe if they steal tofu they are just doing me a favor by removing tofu from contaminating me. I might even be willing to furnish bail money to get their release from prison if they promise to keep eating the tofu of which I want no part.
It just goes to show that some kinds of crime do pay!

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