Monday, December 3, 2012

The Dumbing Of America

A genetics researcher at Stanford University says people are getting less intelligent with each generation because we simply no longer need to be smart to survive. Hmmmmm I'm not a researcher and I can tell that just by observing people today. They mindlessly tweet, watch reality TV, chat endlessly about "nothing" on their phones. They even promote rap music as "art".

Anyway, the researcher guy, Gerald Crabtree, argues that humans may have peaked when they were hunter gatherers who were non verbal and who needed intelligence to find food and shelter. He says human genes have mutated over thousands of years as we shifted to agricultural and city life.  Essentially, because we have it too easy today with too few challenges, we are losing our capacity to think and grow intellectually.

Gerald Crabtree, who is an esteemed professor and researcher of biology and developmental biology, claims the brain drain has been going on for centuries. The brain is mutating, he said, because of advances in society that have made survival less stressful. This has been going on for v centuries and is eroding our intellectual and emotional capabilities. So I guess he is saying that due to advancement sin society that were made by a few select intelligent beings, society as a whole is now able to support and protect the dumb members who would ever have been able to survive in prior times (due to their stupidity). This has an effect of dragging down society as a whole.

It makes sense to me. I have long thought we were becoming a more stupid society as we faced fewer and fewer challenges that would make us smarter and as technology insulates and protects the dumbest. The dumb thrive because technology makes it easy for them and because society as a whole protects them. No wonder the gene pool is watered down each generation. Uh... simply put it is much easier today to be survive while being stupid and to breed more of the stupidity into the gene pool.

In case you disagree with this, I present as evidence of  this contention the names Kardashian and Snookie. How could any society with those idiots call itself a more advanced one.

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