Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Have A Politically Correct Christmas

That 'War on Christmas' is on again this year and traditional Christmas may soon be a thing of the past. In this country the massive immigration of people of non Christian faiths and the general decline in the number of and fervency of Christians makes Christmas an easy target. The Muslims, non Christians and atheists just don't want to hear those religious Christmas carols or see baby Jesus in the manager when those things are in the public domain. They say that no public tax money should be used to endorse any religious sentiment, even if it is what is now a more secular Christmas holiday.

Need some examples? Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee for deciding not to host a Christmas tree lighting ceremony because....well...he says there is not such thing as a Christmas tree. It's a "holiday tree" and the Christmas holiday is instead the 'Holiday Season'. N need to mention any religious terms when it comes to Christmas because some non Christians might vote against Chaffee if he utters them. One of the reasons why "Happy Holidays" has risen in use as an alternative seasonal greeting to "Merry Christmas" is simply that it helps avoid occasions of offense and confrontation. It's used commonly by public schools in every corner of the United States.

The Santa Monica City Council to end the tradition of erecting nativity scenes or other displays in Palisades Park because atheists demanded "equal time" and erected displays there that criticized traditional Christmas. Rather than give "equal time" they city banned al Christmas displays.  And residents in a California senior apartment complex protested what they said was an order by management to remove a Christmas tree from their community room because it was a religious symbol. I guess they should have called it a "holiday tree".

I could give a hundred more politically correct attacks on Christmas in this year's War on Christmas, but instead how about a compromise. Hmmmmm I think I can come up with a Christmas that will include every faith or non believer. Better rename Christmas first or we won't be able to rebrand the celebration of it. How about 'Faith/Faithless Day'? Who could claim they are excluded from that one. I have some suggestions for  rituals of the replacement for Christmas. Here are some fun things we can do at 'Faith/Faithless Day' in order to not offend anyone.

-  Instead of gingerbread houses FFD worshippers will create tasty 'Community Centers' made out of Matzo bread, humus and decorated with fried rice and curry powder.
-  Santa will have to lose the red suit, adapt a more Buddha like physique and chant "Allah Akbar" instead of Ho Ho Ho
-  No more religious Christmas carols. Instead atheists will shout their proof that God is not only dead, but never existed.
-  All Christmas trees will have to be artificial ones since the Green religious crowd thinks it's a sin to cut down a natural one.
-  Baby Jesus images will be replaced with images of a computer generated composite "world' baby" that represents every racial characteristic known to mankind.
-  Decorating your house for Christmas? Forget it! Muslims don't allow icon images.

I wish you a "Happy FFD"....err...if that is all right with everyone.

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