Monday, December 3, 2012

No Kadashians Welcome There

Those crazy extremist, fundamentalist Muslims and I finally agree on something. I am assuming it is not that I have become as nutty as they, but rather a recognition of good that taste has overcome them. Muslim protesters chanting "God is Great" near a shopping complex in Riffa, Bahrain were out in force to protest, no not we infidels, but instead one particular infidel........Kim Kardasian. Kim was in Bahrain to help open a business called " Millions of Milkshakes". But to prevent a riot police fired tear gas to disperse more than 50 hard line Islamic protesters denouncing her presence in the Gulf kingdom. Too bad we don't have riot police to keep her from re entering the U.S.

How can it be that the most irrational of all humans but not the saner ones, recognize the vapid, tasteless routine that Kim and her reality TV "starts" present? Earlier the lawmakers of Bahrain had tried to ban Kim with a resolution that claimed that she is "an actress with a bad reputation", but it failed when the parliament remembered all those sex tapes and bad reality shows they saw Kim in. What Muslim wants to ban those. So the crazy mullahs came to the rescue of Bahrain with organized protests of her appearance and the standard death threats to Kim. The joke is on the Mullahs though, for Kim has been brain dead for years.

Sigh...I hate to agree with the crazy Muslims, but about this I do. Maybe I should write to the Mullahs and suggest a few more protests for them initiate. The world would be better off for it. How about telling Sheik Mohammed (I assume there is a Mullah Mohammed...must be plenty of them because their are more Mohammed's and more sheiks in the Mid east that one could count) that cell phones are an infidel plot to brainwash the pure minds of Muslims? Could help rid the world of plenty of those cellular devices and bring peace and quiet to public places everywhere.

Hey Mullah Mohammed! Did you listen to the lyrics of rap music lately? They call Muslim women "bitches" and "ho's". If they can eliminate rap music I may decide to join the Muslim Bortherhood League. I am feeling solidarity. I should make a list of protests causes for Mohammed to lead. Gee, crazy Muslims are not so bad after all.

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