Sunday, September 23, 2012

Demanding Prisoners

Did you hear about the eleven inmates in the Westchester County jail in New York? They filed a federal civil rights lawsuit saying that they are losing their teeth and suffering pain because they aren't allowed dental floss. Haha Thugs in prison demanding dental floss as a "constitutional right". They are asking for $500 million dollars of damages because even though they brush three times a day, tongue and gums included, they still get cavities and suffer bleeding gums, constant dental work for temporary fillings, and mental anguish. The suit says that when cavities develop, inmates are given only temporary fillings, which eventually fall out and lead to tooth loss or chronic pain. Inmates are denied crowns and root canals, it says.

Hmmmm Instead of knocking other people's teeth out while committing their crimes, the prisoners want to keep all teeth in mouths. But the prison says it can't give them floss because the floss can be used as a weapon, but they may try to find an alternative to floss that is safe. I wonder if floss is really so crucial as they claim. In some prisons the inmates have used dental floss and abrasives (including tooth powders) for cutting up prison bars to make 'shank' weapons out of metal bed frames. Maybe they could feed them a liquid diet as an alternative. Haha

If this suit is a successful maybe the inmates could sue for a few more things that are part of their "constitutional " rights. How about?

1) guns to shoot the mice (and anyone else) that they see in their cells
2) steak and lobster for dinner so they won't be protein deficient
3) cigarettes and lighters to help them relax their mental state
4) personal TV's in each cell in order see the latest porno channels to educate the inmate about safe sex
5) maids to clean the cells so that dust won't clog the inmate's lungs
6) personal masseuses to tone the muscles of the inmate so he will be crime ready when released
7) weekend passes into town, particularly to banks, so the inmates can better integrate into society on release

Uh, I think that if the floss and these other demands are met I will apply for a room at that Westchester prison...

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