Friday, September 14, 2012

Obese States

I just read one of those who's fattest articles. This one is the annual compilation of the 50 U.S. States, ranking them from the one with the most obese per capita to the one with the least. The number one fattest state is Mississippi and my former home, Louisiana is the second most obese. I guess when I left for Oregon the rankings it put Mississippi in first and Louisiana dropped to second.

Anyway, Arguably the best food in the U.S. is found in Louisiana, which has consistently great food everywhere in the state, and is "unhealthy" in that fat, that great natural food so often demonized today, is found in a lot of the servings. Mississippi, Louisiana's neighbor, also great food and follows the fat is not bad mantra. Looking at the states listed as being the least obese doesn't make me hungry. I guess those skinny, hungry places don't know what they are missing. Colorado is the slimmest, followed by Hawaii and Massachusetts.

I think it must be hard to find a good meal in those three. Coloradans are nice people, but they prefer lean, tough buffalo to beef steak. And in Hawaii, everything revolves around boring pineapple. As for Massachusetts, the favorite food is clams. Yuk! How boring. Oh, my present state of Oregon is right in the middle of the fat rankings. I am not surprised. the food here is bland and unexciting, so mid level seems right. I do notice m any fatties in Portland itself and think they must over-eat out of habit, not for the mediocre tastes they get here.

I wonder why the government department, The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, issues this statistic. I can guarantee the people of Louisiana are upset only that they were number two fattest behind Mississippi, not because the government thinks they are obese slobs. In Louisiana and Mississippi having so many fat residents shows the people there love their food and that it is special. The best cooks are fat, and the most content eaters the same. We know that carrying extra fat raises the risks of diabetes and other diseases. But having good food is worth the risks.

Gee, I wish I could find a fried Milky Way candy bar here in Oregon......

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